手机赌博官网_外围足球app-游戏平台 大学の世界展開力強化事業アフリカにおけるSDGsに向けた高度イノベーション人材育成のための国際連携教育プログラム(IAfP)


サブサハラ?アフリカ地域から日本の大学への留学促進を目的とした留学フェアが開催されます。対象は学部と短期プログラム (8/3-5)?大学院 (8/25-27, 9/8-10)です。

8月4日(水) 17:00 – 17:30, 17:30 – 18:00(日本時間)
(10:00 – 10:30, 10:30 – 11:00 ?(CAT [GMT+2])

Anyone interested in studying in Japan are welcomed to join this online fair!
You will be able to gain not only the information about universities and programs, but there are opportunities to actually speak with the staffs and faculty of the Japanese universities.
From TUFS, the School of Japan Studies and the ISEPTUFS (exchange program) will be featured for the undergraduate program session.?(August 4)
For the Graduate school session which is scheduled in late August, Peace and Conflict Studies and the Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research will be featured.
Please check out the information and register NOW!


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