Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Report] Rwanda Online Study Tour has started!! (23rd-25th Aug, 1st-2nd Sep)


Rwanda Online Study tour has started on this Monday, 23rd August.

Since two months ago, we have been preparing for this event with eight students of the working group member, which consisting of six TUFS students and two students of the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences? (PIASS).
14 students from TUFS,? two students from Kyoto University, which is a domestic partner university of our project IAfP, and 22 students from PIASS will participate in this event. It would be great if we could learn about Rwanda and deepen exchanges with PIASS students through this project.

We have done the three days program in Japanese this week. Next week, we will have two days exchange program with PIASS!!.
I will post a detailed implementation report later, but I will report a little about how it is being implemented in a hybrid format.

Day1 24th August Outline of Rwanda, Sightseeing of Kigali (Online [Africa Note])

?? ?

Day2 25th August Lecture about Rwandan history (Prof. Takeuchi) , Nyamata Memorial Church (Online [Africa Note])


Day3 Table talk(with Harumi Watanabe (TUFS), working for Embassy of Japan in Rwanda at the moment)

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