Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Photo Report] By Patrick from PIASS ③

Here is the Study in Japan report from?Patrick Muhirwa?who started his program from September 2022.

Colourful FUN

Photo: Patrick, Amissi & Ineza

I am pleased to share with you today my colourful experience of this season.
Everything was white in colour and it was amazing to look around the campus. It was an extra special day
where Together With Colleagues from PIASS; Ines and Amissi have had a joyful time in the presence of
white visitor – Snow-
This is such an incredible case especially to see the beauty of the campus in white. It was my second
experience of snow including the previous trip to Niigata with Rei’s family but I still joined my colleagues
to have once more the fun in colour.

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Colourful FUN

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