Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Report] Coordinator’s business trip to South Africa

From August to September 2023, the IAfP coordinator traveled to South Africa and visited the partner universities, University of Pretoria (UP), Stellenbosch University(SU), Japanese Embassy, Consular Office and JICA Office.

At the partner universities, she contributed to built relationships between the universities and gathered information to promote exchange program, and held briefings for students on the project. At the University of Pretoria, Naosuke and Yuma who started studying at UP supported her with a project briefing and a tour of the student dormitory. At Stellenbosch University, she received full support from the Stellenbosch University Japan Center (SUJC), which had just opened in August.

At the Embassy, Consular Office and JICA gathered information on crisis management measures and publicized IAfP and TUFS.

We deeply appreciate your kind cooperation.

University of Pretoria

The coordinator held meetings with International Cooperation Division, held project briefings for students, and participated in campus tours. She also reunited with Naosuke and Yuma, who started their program at UP about a month ago, to see how they gradually got used to the life in Pretoria. They seemed to be doing well.


Faculty of Humanities building, courtyard


Meetings with International Cooperation Division, Mr.Danny Bokoba and Mr.Smart Maqubela


IAfP Briefing for students

16 students, 2 TUFS students and 1 staff from the International Cooperation Division participated.


Reunite with Dr.Gnisa, Dr.Karen, Naosuke and Yuma



School cafeteria (two of several)

Student dormitory

*If you are a TUFS student who would like to see more dorm photos, please contact the IAfP Office.

Stellenbosch University

At Stellenbosch University, we received the full support of the Stellenbosch University Japan Center (SUJC), which had just opened in August 2022.

The project coordinator had a meeting with Prof.Juanita Pienaar(Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, in charge of Research and Internationalization), Prof.Vasti Roodst (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, in charge of Teaching and Internationalization), and Prof.Lindy Heinecken (Dean of the Graduate School), a meeting with the Senior Director of Stellenbosch University International, a project briefing for students, an exchange meeting with participants in the 2021 Sake Seminar, and participated in a campus tour.

SUJC webstie: article of the visit of our coordinator “IAfP Briefing at Stellenbosch University


Meeting with Prof.Juanita Pienaar (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, in charge of Research and Internationalization), Prof.Scarlett Cornelissen (Director of the SUJC) and Mr.Thami Mahlobo (SUJC)


Meeting with Prof.Vasti Roodst (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, in charge of Teaching and Internationalization), Prof.Lindy Heinecken (Dean of the Graduate School), Prof.Scarlett Cornelissen (Director of SUJC) and Mr.Thami Mahlobo (SUJC)

Meeting with Mr.Robert Kotzé (Senior Director of Stellenbosch University International)

Project briefing for the students / Exchange meeting with the participants of? Sake Seminar (March 2022)

? ?




School Cafeteria

There are multiple shops like a shopping mall


School dormitory



*If you are a TUFS student who would like to see more dorm photos, please contact the IAfP Office.



Stories of the students studied at TUFS

Wendy-Rose Govender “My Stay in Japan”


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