2015年度 第五回FINDAS研究会「Women's Writings in Bengal(女が書くと いうこと―ベンガルの場合)」


このたび、手机赌博官网_外围足球app-游戏平台拠点(FINDAS)では、12月15日(火)に、「第五回FINDAS研究会 Women’s Writings in Bengal(女が書くということ―ベンガルの場合)」を開催いたします。

日時 2015年12月15日(火)16:00‐17:30
場所 手机赌博官网_外围足球app-游戏平台 研究講義棟3階 307
内容 ◆Selina Hossain (バングラデシュを代表する女性作家)
“Gender War: My Literature My Stories”
In this session, I will discuss my own writings and experiences: ‘ Gender war: My literature My Stories’. It is intended to be a reflection on discrimination against women as I experienced it since my childhood, both within my own family as well as across various realms of the broader society.
The primary focus will be on how I manifest feminist issues in my own writings, especially discrimination and violence against women, and how I cope with threats from fundamentalist groups that condemn my writings even in present days.
◆Subha Chakraborty Dasgupta (デリー大学教授、比較文学専門)
“Our Stories: The Many Voices of Contemporary Women’s Narratives from Bengal”
I will talk about contemporary Women’s narratives in Bengal drawing upon both mainstream and non-mainstream writers. I will begin with an exploration of contemporary women’s writing in Bengal to locate areas of differences and identify themes relevant to the new identities of women in the rapidly changing world. I will then move on to areas where the narrator makes an attempt to portray realities outside that of the middle-class milieu, thinks in terms of shared histories. Then I will also take a look at non-mainstream narratives, those of the “ordinary woman” who is not a writer as such, but who has stories to tell often with reference to ordinary or marginalized men and women, or experiences related to changing borders. A central area in my presentation will deal with the contribution of such narratives to new ways of perceiving reality.

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