TUFS student Won 1st Place in Essay Competition Held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on April 18th

April 28, 2016

On the 18th of April, Mizuki Kozasa (School of Language and Culture Studies, Russian major (Central Asian Studies), 3rd year, currently studying abroad in Kazakhstan) magnificently won 1st place in the international essay competition held at her study abroad location, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Kazakhstan. Her essay, written in Kazakh was titled “Oni -a symbol of evil in Japanese folklore”. (Жапон а?ыздарында?ы жауызды? символы – Они)

Ms. Kozasa is on the second class of Central Asian Studies Course which was newly established during the reorganization of the School of Foreign Studies in 2012. The winning of this award became the 2nd time in a row after Mr. Shin Ishizaka from the first class of the same course won last year.