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第64回「East African Borders: From Colonial Partition to Contemporary Disputes」






◆演 題:East African Borders: From Colonial Partition to Contemporary Disputes

◆要 旨:The borders of African states today began with the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. This meeting saw European powers portion most of Africa and drew boundary lines that remain to date. With the exception of Ethiopia and Liberia, all the states in present day Africa were arbitrarily parceled out in ways that would meet the most needs for the European imperialist. The creation of these borders impacted adversely on Africa's social structures culminating into the contemporary socio-political disputes that bedevil the continent. Using an ethnographic study of the borders of Uganda, an extensive desk review of relevant literature was done, complemented with focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with key participants and established that most African states are imbued in socio-political insecurity arising from the boundaries created by the Berlin meeting. Whereas ethnicity was never echoed in the conference, the social interaction across borders continue to give rise to disputes engulfing Africa.

◆日 時:2021年12月10日(金) 17:40~19:10(日本標準時)/8:40~10:10(グリニッジ標準時)

◆場 所:対面(手机赌博官网_外围足球app-游戏平台研究講義棟113教室)&オンライン(Zoomミーティング)





【報 告】



