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Seminar on land and migration issue in Ethiopia at IDE-JETRO

November 28, 2019

Dr. Teshome, our visiting professor, will give a lecture at APL (Ajiken Power Lunch) of IDE-JETRO on 28th November. APL is a lunchtime workshop open to public, including IDE staffs, visiting research fellows, IDEAS students, outside researchers and graduate students. This workshop provides a platform for presentation of any work in progress where we can discuss in either English or Japanese. Those who would attend a seminar are asked to announce yourself to receptionists on your arrival at the IDE and to obtain APL Organizers' signature on your admission card after the seminar.

Date & time: November 28, 2019. (Thursday) 13:30-14:30

Venue: C23 Meeting Room, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization

Theme: Land and Youth Migration in Africa: The Case of Two Districts from the Highlands of Ethiopia

This paper presents the results of a short-term research project conducted in 2019 on challenges and opportunities for rural youth employment in Ethiopia to inform policy and programs. It is mainly based on qualitative data secured from two districts, Kuyu and Bora from the highlands of Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia. The districts were purposefully selected in that one represents the first represents agricultural cold spot areas while the second represents hotspot areas in the Rift Valley. By drawing on local case studies in these two districts in Ethiopia, this study aims to shed light on the daily lives, means of access to land, patterns and destinations of youth internal migrants, their networks to access land in both the place of origin and destination , and their aspirations, preferences, and challenges they encounter to realize this. Finally I suggest possible ways to make the relationship between land and youth internal migration better understood by policy makers and designers of intervention programs. In this way, the paper has put a light on the potential opportunities that the youth have and challenges they face in the study areas.

Speaker: Dr. Teshome Emana(Assistant Professor, Addis Ababa University / Visiting Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

Chair: Yuka Kodama

Languages: English