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International Symposium: Art and Affect in Africa

Aug. 19, 2017

International Symposium: Art and Affect in Africa is to be held on August 19, 2017.

◆Date/Time: Saturday, Aug 19, 2017 13:00-17:30

◆Venue: Hall 301, ILCAA (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies


0. Yutaka SAKUMA (ICLAA) Introduction

1. Presentation
Roger Somé (Université de Strasbourg) "Creation, emotion and reception of arts works in Africa"
Fumiaki YANAGISAWA (Assistant Professor, University of Tokyo) "?Emotional Sensibility? : From Fry's Formalism to Senghor's Humanism"
Bruce CLARKE (Artist, Photographer) "Fighting ghosts: visual arts and contemporary history in Africa"

2. Comment
Akira OKAZAKI (ILCAA Research Fellow)
Kazuto NAKATANI (Kyoto University)

3. Discussion

◆Language: French (with Japanese consecutive interpretation), Japanese and English

◆Admission: Free

◆No pre-registration is needed.

◆Jointly sponsored by:
Core resarch project "The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2", Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Research Project Number:17H00948) and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (The University of Tokyo) Research Project Number:17H02328)