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Internationl Symposium, Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives Identities, memories and resistances between Africa, Europe and the Americas from colonization to post-colony

Aug. 22 - 24, 2017

Internationl Symposium, Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives Identities, memories and resistances between Africa, Europe and the Americas from colonization to post-colony will be held on Aug. 22 - 24, 2017.

◆Date: Aug. 22 - 24, 2017

◆Venue: Agora Global, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

◆Language: Japanese, English and French


Aug 22, 10:30-17:00 * Reception of the participants from 9:30

Opening and Inaugural Speech
Romuald FONKOUA (University of Paris IV., Editor-in-Chief of the Présence Africaine)
Présence Africaine: the story of an idea, the action of a thought

Session 1: Great personalities: biographies
Hidehiro TACHIBANA (Waseda University)
Alioune Diop and Aimé Césaire
Fatima DOUMBIA (Félix Houphou?t-Boigny University)
Kwame Nkrumah: Survival of an African Presence
Sheikh THIAM (The Ohio State University)
Negritude Africentered: Revisiting Senghor and Glissant's countercultures of modernity in the 21st century
Georges A. BERTRAND (Academy of Limoges)
Marcel Griaule, an ambiguous African... The evolution of the thought of a man in the heart of the twentieth century
Monika BRODNICKA (The Ohio State University)
Amadou Hampaté B? and the Call to Indigenous Metaphysics

Reception(registered members only 18:00-20:00)

Aug. 23, 10:00-17:30

Session 2: Languages and Literatures
Takayuki NAKAMURA (Daito Bunka University)
Literature, language and politics: the issues surrounding the debate on "national poetry"
Satoshi HIROTA (University of Paris VIII)
Unfinished dialogue between two Caribbean poets on the eve of decolonization: Aimé Césaire and Edouard Glissant
Sally Kalani STAINIER (University of French West Indies)
Lang a pèp-la kont lang a mèt-la? - Echoes of the Guadeloupean linguistic question within teachers' representations
Jyothsana NARASIMHAN (University of Mumbai)
Women's writing in Présence Africaine - A thought revolution by Fatou Diome
Hiroshi MATSUI (Kinjo Gakuin University)
I is one of us: Black Shack Alley (La rue Cases-Nègres) by Joseph Zobel

Session 3: Arts, Media and Reception of Présence Africaine
Roger SOME (University of Strasbourg)
Negro Art versus African Art in Présence Africaine
Buata MALELA (University Center of Mayotte)
Présence Africaine in the space of Academic Journals
Obed NKUNZIMANA (New Brunswick University)
Rethinking and redressing old wounds. Postcolonial slavery and colonization revisited in the movies of 'Adanggaman' et 'L'Afrance'
Eugene TAVARES (Assane Seck University)
Présence Africaine and the process of awakening consciences in Lusophone Africa. The example of Cape Verde
Francoise NAUDILLON (Concordia University)
African Presence or African Absence. Le Monde Diplomatique's Reception of the Journal from 1958 to 1980

Aug. 24, 10:00-17:00

Session 4: Political Ideas
Ryo OGAWA (Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
The Road to Black Hosts (Hosties noires): from Blaise Diagne, W.E.B. Dubois to L.S. Senghor
Pan-Africanism or nationalism? Présence Africaine: a forum for cultural policies in the era of decolonization
Jonas Daniel RANO (University of Lorraine)
Creolitude and ideological marronage in the work of Léon-Gontran Damas
The making of Francophone Nationalist Intellectuals in the 1950s revisited: places, periods and personalities
Ibrahim YAHAYA (University Abdou Moumouni)
Présence Africaine: the struggle continues

General Discussion and Closing Ceremony

Click Here for More Info. (in French)