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ASC Seminar #7 / TUFS-KU Seminar #3 will be held

Thu, November 30, 2017

We are pleased to announce that ASC Seminar #7 / TUFS-KU Seminar #3 will be held on November 30 at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

TUFS-KU Seminar is the seminars that African Studies Center - TUFS (ASC - TUFS) and the Center for African Area Studies - Kyoto University (CAAS - KU) jointly sponsor.

At ASC Seminar #7 / TUFS-KU Seminar #3, we will invite Antoine Socpa, who is a professor of the University of Yaounde I (Cameroon). He's been staying in Japan now as a visiting professor at Graduate School of Asian and African Areas Studies, Kyoto University.

Professor Socpa will give a lecture about "Perceptions and Responses to Asian Entrepreneurship: Case Study of Competition Between Cameroonians and Chinese Traders."

Since early 2010, Asian traders, especially Chinese, settle in Africa, and import Asian products into Cameroon, which African traders formerly did from the late 1980s. He will explain how the import system has changed in Cameroon, and what its positive consequences and setbacks are.

◆Speaker: Antoine Socpa (the University of Yaounde I)

◆Title: Perceptions and Responses to Asian Entrepreneurship: Case Study of Competition Between Cameroonians and Chinese Traders

◆Date & Time: Thursday, November 30, 2017 17:40 - 19:30

◆Venue: Room 102, Research and Lecture Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

◆Launguage: English

◆Admission: Free

◆No pre-registration is needed.

◆Jointly sponsored by African Studies Center -TUFS (ASC - TUFS) & the Center for African Area Studies -Kyoto University (CAAS - KU)

◆Contact: African Studies Center -Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Address) Research and Lecture Building #401E2,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1, Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8534 JAPAN
Tel/Fax) +81-42-330-5540

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