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Seminar on Japanese-Africa University Dialogue on Global Sustainable Development

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 9:30 - 12:45


We will hold the seminar themed on "Japanese-African University Dialogue on Global Sustainable Development" on August 27, 2019, as a follow-up event of South Africa - Japan University (SAJU) Forum. In the seminar, we will discuss the critical role of universities for global sustainable development. This is the TICAD VII Partner Project.

For those who would like to participate in the seminar, please contact us via e-mail ( .

◆Date & Time: August 27, 2019 9:30 - 12:45

◆Venue: Fukutake Learning Theatre, University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)


Opening Statement
 Taikan Oki (Special Counselor to President, University of Tokyo)
 Keiko Takei (Chief Education Analyst, Human Development Department, African Development Bank)

9:35 - 11:00
Panel Discussion on the Role of Universities for Global Sustainable Development
 Chair : Taikan Oki (Senior Vice Rector, United Nations University / Professor, University of Tokyo)
 Panelist: Kayoko Hayashi (President, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      Tawana Kupe (Vice Chancellor, University of Pretoria)
      Masanori Kasahara (Acting President, Hokkaido University)
      Luke Mumba (Vice Chancellor, University of Zambia)
      Peter Mbithi (Chair, ESDA Project, University of Nairobi)
      Molapo Qhobela (CEO, National Research Fundation, South Africa)

11:00 - 11:15
Coffee/tea break

11:15 - 12:40
Panel Discussion on International University-Industry Collaboration for Africa's Sustainable Industrialization
 Chair : Francis Petersen (Vice Chancellor, University of Free State)
 Panelist: Yasunori Baba (Professor, Reitaku University)
      Mari Iizuka (Professor, Doshisha University)
      Clinton Gass (Managing Director, Rooibos Marketing Ltd.)
      Iwasuke Shimada (Managing Director, Toshiba Africa <Pty> Ltd.)
      Yo Murofushi (CEO, And Africa Co., Ltd.)
      Farai Kapfudzaruwa (University of Pretoria)

12:40 - 12:45
Closing Statement
 Ahmed Bawa (CEO, Universities South Africa)

12:45 - 13:45
Exchange hour (Coffee/tea/light snacks)

◆Language: English

◆Admisssion: Free

◆For those who would like to participate in the seminar, please contact us via e-mail (

◆Organized by Universities South Africa (USAF), South Africa-Japan University Forum Secretariat (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

◆Supported by African Development Bank
